Open Science Repository at the Information and Communication Services Group at the University of Rostock

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Fieldbus traffic


  • GPX dataset Movement data grabbed from (used for talk on ICSC 2012)
  • RSS feeds grabbed over two month in 2010 from, and
  • GPS tracks of a handfull anonymous people.


Wireless networks

Network Neutrality

Software and Tools

  • DiHabs - Disclosure Habits Survey System
  • DiLES - Disclosure Learning Evaluation System
  • thmONAG - Opennet Network Analytics with Google App Engine


Supporters and Contributors

For now we want to control the structure of this web site a bit. Hence, write access is limited at this time. If you would like to contribute, please send an e-mail.

Background and Feedback

  • Anonymous reviewer for one of Till's and Thomas' papers: "It is very good that the authors make their data available. It might also be worthwhile to look into the CRAWDAD repository, also as a source for data to compare with."




These principles were drafted by Science Commons and presented at Policy and Technology for e-Science, a satellite workshop that took place in conjunction with the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) 2008.

Open Access to Literature from Funded Research

By "open access" to this literature, we mean that it should be on the internet in digital form, with permission granted in advance to users to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself."

Access to Research Tools from Funded Research

By "access" to research tools, we mean that the materials necessary to replicate funded research - cell lines, model animals, DNA tools, reagents, and more, should be described in digital formats, made available under standard terms of use or contracts, with infrastructure or resources to fulfill requests to qualified scientists, and with full credit provided to the scientist who created the tools.

Data from Funded Research in the Public Domain

Research data, data sets, databases, and protocols should be in the public domain. This status ensures the ability to freely distribute, copy, re-format, and integrate data from research into new research, ensuring that as new technologies are developed that researchers can apply those technologies without legal barriers. Scientific traditions of citation, attribution, and acknowledgment should be cultivated in norms.

Invest in Open Cyberinfrastructure

Data without structure and annotation is a lost opportunity. Research data should flow into an open, public, and extensible infrastructure that supports its recombination and reconfiguration into computer models, its searchability by search engines, and its use by both scientists and the taxpaying public. This infrastructure should be treated as an essential public good.